Retail Store:

Store Hours: Monday-Friday 1:00pm-6:30pm (see social media for up to date information about holiday closures etc)

We'd love for you to visit our store in Forest City, NC! The store address is 419 West Main Street Forest City, NC 28043. Please reference our Facebook page for the most up to date information about holiday/vacation closures. 


We have been blessed with an overflow of loyal clients, many of whom come to see Blake every month. His schedule stays very full (typically fully booked 18 months in advance). While this can make it a little challenging to schedule new folks, we keep a very robust cancellation waitlist. We are passionate about helping as many people find happy healthy skin as possible. We use the cancellation waitlist to "squeeze in" new folks to the schedule. If you'd like to join the waitlist, please don't hesitate to reach out and provide your general weekday availability and contact information. We will add you to the waitlist and do our best to offer you a cancellation spot when possible. 

You can call or text us at 828-429-3856 or email us at 

Daily Skincare Regimen Consultation with Blake (Free)

Blake is always taking on new clients for daily product regimen consultations. We reserve a few hours a week on his schedule to help folks get their daily regimen updated. If you feel like your current skincare regimen isn't serving you and your goals, reach out! You can text/call us at 828-429-3856, email us at, or fill out this form to get started.

Skin Classic Treatment

Blake is certified in a skincare modality/technology called Skin Classic. The Skin Classic machine enables a treatment called Electrodessication, which uses electrical current to dehydrate benign skin lesions like skin tags, keratosis, cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasias, and more. The skin then goes through a healing process which often results in the treated lesion disappearing. Some lesions are more stubborn and require follow-up treatment for best results.